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Considering a career change? Then you’ll know that this is an exciting (but daunting) decision to make. Though you’ll need to be proactive, there’s no need to go it alone – a good recruitment agency will support you as much as possible in achieving your goals. We provide advice to show you how to change careers, and what a recruiter can do to help the process run smoothly. 

Decide what you want

Firstly, define what you mean by a ‘career change’. Are you looking for a different role within a similar industry, or headed in an entirely new direction?

Some people want a change, but have no idea where they want to end up. Whilst it’s important to remain flexible and open to opportunities, you’ll need a sense of direction. Think about where your skills lie and how these can be applied elsewhere.

How can your recruiter help you?

Recruiters are knowledgeable in the qualifications and experience required for particular industries and roles. The clearer you are about your skills, interests and expectations, the better career change advice a recruitment consultant can provide.

Set time aside

Juggling your current job and personal life whilst trying to make a career change is demanding for anyone – but you will need to set time aside if you are serious about finding a new role. Saving some annual leave for interviews or assessment days is a good start.

How can your recruiter help you?

Be as flexible as possible – but be upfront about time constraints. If your recruiter is aware that particular days and times are going to be problematic, they can arrange interview times more efficiently on your behalf.

The clearer you are about your skills, interests and expectations, the more a recruitment consultant can help.  

Know what you offer

Even if you are going down a completely new path, you’re sure to have a set of transferable skills. List all of your abilities, qualifications and strengths, and consider how they will apply to your new position. You should also read up on your intended role and industry as much as possible – the more you know, the more you will stand out to potential employers.

How can your recruiter help you?

Your relationship with a consultant is a two-way street – the more prepared you are, the more the consultant can work with you.

Rewrite your CV

Tailor a new CV in accordance with the new roles you’ll be applying for, highlighting your transferable skills. You can also include an explanation of why you are looking to make a career change.

How can your recruiter help you?

Your recruiter will know what employers are looking for in a CV and will be able to offer expert advice.

Even if you are going down a completely new path, you’re sure to have a set of transferable skills. 

Make sure you are making the right move

Think about why you want to change careers, and why you feel the new role or industry will be better suited to you. Again, learning as much as you can about your chosen role will help here.

Also, whilst aiming high is great, understand that you may have to make some compromises to get on track with your new career, and decide how flexible you can be. It might be necessary to take a step down whilst you learn the ropes. 

How can your recruiter help you?

A recruitment consultant can provide you with a variety of opportunities – the clearer you are with what you want, the more relevant these will be.

Set a timeline

Set a goal of when you would like to be in your new role. You’ll need to remain flexible and it may take time to find the right match – but setting a timeline will help your career change to remain a top priority.

How can your recruiter help you?

Building a strong relationship with a consultant will help you keep up to date with what’s going on.