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Feedback is always important, but even more so with a new starter who doesn't really know the ropes of your organisation and is still finding their feet. It can also make all the difference to your employee's experience and likelihood of wanting to stay with your organisation in the long term.

Here are our tips for conducting a new employee review and providing that all-important feedback:

Review the little things

Every new starter wants to know what they're doing is ok, so give them praise and feedback from day one, even for really small things. Whether it's a 'thank you' for bringing in all their relevant documentation or a pat on the back for sending that first introductory email, it all helps.

Every organisation has its own unique style, so every bit of feedback you can give in the early days is important. Don't overdo it though; give them a bit of space to breathe!

Catch up over coffee

While the little tips and pointers on the job are great, make sure you set aside some proper time for your new employee, so both parties can review their progress. This is so they can ask questions and you can discuss more general feedback, perhaps after their first few days. This can include their general approach and attitude, as well as specific tasks or functions.

This is especially important for the really good candidates who can make it seem like they've been there months after just a few days, as they may not know just how well they're fitting in, or they could be succeeding with a little bit of (intelligent) guesswork. Reassure and commend them to be certain.

Six-week check

Schedule a more formal review for your new employee after four to six weeks. By this time they will have had the chance to really get their feet under the desk and find out how they are coping with different aspects of the job. Again, they may have their own queries, while you'll be able to bring up anything that you've been keeping an eye on initially. Get things out in the open so they can feel relaxed and know where they stand.

Feed back to your recruiter

This is vital as well, as it helps build a longer-term relationship and lets them know just how right they've got it. If the candidate is spot on, they'll know what to look for next time, but give them pointers if there's something not quite there, so they can adjust their search and selection criteria accordingly for next time.