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One in 10 Scottish workers consider their main role to be in non-permanent work, choosing multiple jobs and the flexibility of temporary contracts to improve their work-life balance. Accessing a variety of work and having the control to work for themselves are also contributors according to research released today (Tuesday 3 December 2019).

The research, carried out by recruitment experts Reed Specialist Recruitment for its Temporary isn’t temporary campaign, surveyed 5,000 workers and looked at their experience of, and attitude to, temporary and multiple career roles.

When asked about the positive benefits of temporary or short-term working contracts, more than a third (36%) of people living in Scotland cited work-life balance as the key reason why they have followed this career structure.

Access to a variety of work was mentioned as the next favoured reason at 30%. And a quarter (25%), believed temporary work would help boost their CV. Just under a fifth (17%) are attracted to the opportunity to work for themselves.

However, the research also identified the reasons that workers are being deterred from temporary working in Scotland with more than half (57%) of workers saying they prefer the security of a permanent role. Of those surveyed 42% identified that the benefits of a permanent role, such a pensions and sick pay, were important in their preference for these types of roles.

Despite these reasons of income and financial security being of great concern, 70% indicated that they were not worried about the disadvantages of non-permanent work when applying for mortgages or loans. And more than three quarters (82%) said that they weren’t concerned about having to work whenever possible.

Across the UK, temporary contracts also seem to be most common amongst the new generation of workers at the beginning of their careers with 17% of 25-34 year olds considering temporary employment to be their main role.

While a significant number of this age group work permanently, there is also greater than a fifth (21%) of 25-34 year olds holding more than one temporary role, and 11% holding more than four temporary roles at one time.

Mike Harrison, regional managing director of Reed Scotland, said: “Scottish workers are increasingly drawn towards temporary working for the flexibility it offers them alongside the ability to work for themselves. And with one in ten workers now considering non-permanent work to be their main role it seems that many are making the switch.

“Businesses will have to take note as candidates know the market has shifted in their favour. r. The only barriers to making the switch between temporary and permanent work appear to be pension and sick pay, but these are covered with our PAYE temporary workers already receiving this. Therefore, this is’nt only a candidate’s market, but the barriers to more successful temporary working are down.

“Scotland’s employment rate reached a record high in June of this year and a market with a healthy amount of temporary work can benefit both employers and employees. If employers can deliver a variety of flexible, quality work they are more likely to be able to pick from the cream of the crop when it comes to temporary workers. At Reed Specialist Recruitment we have seen the benefits temporary workings can bring to businesses that may not be able to employ the talent they need in permanent roles, but can benefit from their wisdom through a short-term contract. Temporary work will become more and more common as the 9-5 becomes less sought after.”