Watch the full account from Carla Adams, Oncologica’s Human Resources Manager here:

The challenge
Oncologica provides precision oncology testing to ensure patients with cancer receive targeted treatments. When the pandemic started, Oncologica added Covid testing to its remit to support the high volume of PCR testing.
Professionals who could undertake and assist with PCR Covid testing were in high demand, but short supply. In addition, HCPC-qualified professionals able to approve and submit test results were particularly sought after. This meant the lab needed support to significantly expand its workforce.
Although most of Reed’s task was to find candidates for the laboratory work, Oncologica also needed specialists to support the new services, including in marketing, procurement, technology, logistics, finance, and customer services.
The lab needed as many PCR testing professionals as it could hire, as soon as possible, without compromising on its essential staffing criteria.
The solution
In early 2020, Reed approached Oncologica’s Co-founder and Scientific Director, Marco Loddo, to support the company with its recruitment needs.
With the pandemic changing rapidly, regular contact was crucial to stay up to date with any changes to headcount targets, deadlines, market conditions, salaries and more. Our consultants maintained day-to-day contact and weekly meetings to facilitate two-way feedback with Human Resources Manager Carla Adams and her team – this enabled us to provide a bespoke service and to improve the process over time.
We set out clear objectives of what experience and qualifications the professionals needed – per Oncologica’s brief – and where we would find them to develop a targeted recruitment approach. The team was proactive in their search, utilising contacts at several universities around the UK to look for graduates from relevant degree programmes.
To ensure each candidate met the lab’s specifications, it was necessary for our team to have a good understanding of the PCR testing process. We were then able to make informed decisions on who to put forward for interview. Our team pre-interviewed each candidate over the phone, and screened their CVs, to assess their suitability to each role before putting them forward for an interview with Oncologica. Since this was at the height of the pandemic, the entire process took place remotely.
The results
From the initial search to onboarding, Reed has supported the laboratory in growing its workforce from 50 to 430, helping it to expand its business offering and provide the Covid testing service for the remainder of the pandemic.
Stuart Nunn, Reed’s Senior Area Manager for Cambridge, said: “We successfully sourced over 400 genetic technologists, several HCPC-qualified biomedical scientists, and others across the business. Each professional we sourced has integrated well into the business and performed at a high standard.
“The feedback we’ve received from Oncologica has been nothing but positive and we will continue to work with them in future projects.”
Carla added: “The staff that have come have really grown in their careers, we’ve had many go on to be trainers and supervisors, going into managerial roles, and they show a really good work ethic. They’re really valuable to the company.
“Reed have delivered an exceptional service; they are very proficient in everything they do…We often go back to Reed, they’re fast, reliable and the candidates they send are really amazing.”
If you’re looking for a new opportunity, or to expand your workforce, contact your nearest Reed office for support from one of our specialist recruiters.