With a high youth unemployment rate and students left disadvantaged by the pandemic, effective careers education has never been more important. Find out more about, and access, ‘Gateway to work’, from Reed Learning, a FREE careers eLearning programme designed to help students successfully enter the world of work.
Help prepare your students in years 9 to 13 to transition from education to the workplace with a digital, complete careers education curriculum, built to help schools achieve the Gatsby benchmarks.

During the eLearning course each student will have the opportunity to work through five key modules to build their skills, knowledge, and confidence, ready to begin their career.
Students will have the opportunity to identify suitable career options, complete a digital work experience placement, build an effective CV and more.
Each module is structured around a series of bite-sized sessions, packed stimulating videos, engaging quizzes and enriching activities to support students towards the session’s key learning outcomes.
To help maintain student engagement, we also provide supporting assembly and classroom-based resources.
The programme:
Module one: Working on you –students will reflect on their values, mindset, and strengths, as well as learning about employability skills and managing workplace relationships
Module two: Digital work experience – gives students access to a breadth of cross sector work experiences from real-life employers
Module three: Choose your pathway –gives access to real-world labour market information, including our salary guide that advises on starting salaries, career routes and progression for 19 different sectors
Module four: Upskill in your field – showcases a range of academic and practical ways students can develop the skills they need for their chosen pathway. They will also get free access to five Reed Learning courses, worth £60
Module five: Get ready to work –which contains everything students need to search, apply and interview for their first job, including an AI job interview with Reed’s CEO and Chairman, James Reed
Gateway to work is completely FREE to access. Click on the button on the top left of this page to get the link to the course and get your students ready for the world of work.