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A Double Winner!

Reed Business School is proud to announce that Oliver won two prizes at the latest ICAEW Annual International Order of Merit awards. Firstly the Simon Morris Memorial prize for the Highest Non-Graduate Student and the Northcott prize being fourth overall. He said ‘They were both very unexpected.’

Being a student at Reed Business School

I have adapted well to remote learning but I’m looking forward to coming back to Reed Business School and resume my studies face-to-face as this suits my learning better.

Oliver enjoys the interaction with other students and the tutor, but mostly misses the food at Reed! Reed Business School has really helped with small class sizes, face-to- face learning and being a residential setting all mean he can focus. The skills and Behaviours are an enjoyable part of the apprenticeship and he feels these relate to his everyday working life.


His tips for success (especially remote learning) is to be prepared, have everything you need to hand so you are not distracted trying to find things once you have started. He also sets aside an hour every night for revision, and finds this structure soon becomes a normal part of the day. He emphasised the importance of good notes and lots of question practice!


Oliver praised his employer H L Barnes in Stratford upon Avon

They have been very supportive in particular offering new experiences to consolidate my learning and being flexible with my study needs.

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