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Discover the essential reads for personal and professional growth in the business world. From developing trust and effective communication to mastering financial reporting and strategic valuation, these books provide valuable insights and practical guidance for aspiring business leaders and seasoned professionals alike.

  1. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann is a great little book about how to develop trust and how to give more in the business world. Its simple message is that through giving, there are benefits you receive, especially if you’re doing it because you want to truly give your client or your business relationships something of value. This is definitely one for those who want to grow personally and professionally, as it gives a viewpoint not often considered in business.

  2. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown advocates pursuing only things that are essential to your life, and saying no to everything else. To do this, McKeown says, we should ask what is really essential and navigate decisions at work and home based on the answer. McKeown makes the case that one of the greatest obstacles for successful people is success itself, and balance and focus will help you become successful and happy in every sphere of your life.

  3. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler is a great book about communication. It advocates that career success begins with the ability to communicate, whether with a client, at a staff meeting, in a trade show, or just casually in the coffee room. The book focuses on crucial conversations: where stakes are high, opinions vary, or emotions are running strong, and gives insight on how to manage such conversations effectively.

  4. Applying International Financial Reporting Standards by Ruth Picker et al. isn’t the most glamorous of books, but gives a lot of practical detail for those that really care about doing their job correctly, and want to continue learning after their formal studies. Its focus is to explain, interpret and analyse the financial reporting requirements under IFRS and each chapter contains numerous illustrative examples that present and explain the reporting requirements and procedures.

  5. Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies by McKinsey & Company is an extremely thorough guide to helping financial professionals worldwide excel at measuring, managing, and maximising shareholder and company value. Valuation lies at the crossroads of corporate strategy and finance, so this is a great book for those aspiring for a more strategic role in the future.

  6. The Second Curve: Thoughts on Reinventing Society by Charles Handy is one for those who like to think and take a more philosophical view on the world. Handy takes his previous books and work one step further with this glimpse into the future to see what challenges and opportunities lie ahead, including questioning the sustainability of capitalism, credit and growth.