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Our advisers really do ensure our business retains that personal touch, something we know candidates greatly value. This regular feature publicly recognises their contribution to your CIPD success!

We asked Lorraine Bartlett, our Consultant based in Lincolnshire, for her advice on achieving that all important CIPD qualification along with what she loves most about her job.

Lorraine’s top tips for CIPD success
  • It is so important to me to get to know my candidates well, my advice would be to build a great relationship with your adviser – we are here to help, not judge!

  • Tell your adviser what’s going on in your life particularly any big events coming up or holidays which will impact on your studies.

  • You can’t do your job well if you don’t understand the business. Get to know every nook and cranny of your organisation and ask questions.

About Lorraine

With 24 years in retail management under her belt, much of it working as an HR generalist, our Consultant in Lincolnshire, Lorraine Bartlett, has been involved in every aspect of the people profession.

After leaving school at 16, Lorraine joined the shopfloor of Tesco where she experienced everything from filleting fish to working as a cashier on the checkout. Her links with the retailer continued while she studied for a degree in Business Studies and Business Management before joining the company’s management training scheme. Lorraine rapidly rose through the ranks taking on HR manager roles in Tesco stores throughout the Lincolnshire and Humberside regions and studying for her Level 7 Diploma in HR, gaining CIPD Chartered Membership.

Her expertise in talent development and supporting people into management positions at Tesco, led to Lorraine’s career taking a new direction and she joined BePro, holding various positions supporting HR and L&D apprentices and CIPD students. She became Head of Curriculum, responsible for ensuring the teaching and learning for 12 programmes was current and in line with specifications.

Lorraine is delighted that her role as an adviser at Reed Learning has returned her to what she is passionate about – supporting and developing HR and L&D professionals in their future careers. She loves seeing her candidates get that lightbulb moment when they can recognise how to apply their learning to the workplace and seeing their business thrive as a result. Lorraine is also leading webinars on a range of modules at all levels and here’s what some of our Associate candidates say about her sessions on the independent review site Coursecheck!

Here’s what our candidates say about Lorraine

Really enjoyed the day Felt that a lot of information was covered Found the day beneficial and I will be using some of the ideas in my work.

Nichola Underwood

Lorraine was a great facilitator and I would definitely recommend attending a session led by Lorraine. There was a really good mixture of breakout rooms and activities. The use of breaks was used well so that we could stay refreshed throughout the day.

Melanie Ellis

Really enjoyable session. Thought having the smaller number of delegates (7) worked really well, as you could hear from everybody. Loved the activities – thought they worked on Zoom really well.

Hannah King

Lively session, we had loads of discussion and shared our experiences.

Milu Sabin