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11 July 2023

On Saturday, July 8th, a group of seventeen dedicated individuals from Reed Talent Solutions gathered to participate in the exhilarating Peak District Ultra Endurance Challenge.

This remarkable event served a dual purpose: raising funds for various charitable causes and showcasing the adventurous spirit and commitment of the RTS Venture initiative. Despite the foreboding forecast of high humidity and thunderstorms, the team fearlessly donned their walking boots, prepared to conquer the arduous 25-kilometer course, with two intrepid members even opting for an impressive 53-kilometer journey through the unforgiving terrain of the Peak District.

Being a co-member at Reed means that you are not simply a number, but a valued member of the team.

As the team assembled at the starting line, the weather gods seemed to conspire against them. Dark clouds loomed overhead, threatening a combination of high humidity and thunderstorms. However, undeterred by the adverse forecast, our determined participants remained resolute, ready to face the elements and push themselves beyond their limits. Such conditions only fuelled their resolve to complete the challenge and support their chosen charities.

The picturesque landscapes and rolling hills provided a breath-taking backdrop to their physical and mental exertion. The route was meticulously designed to test their mettle, pushing them to their limits while rewarding them with moments of awe-inspiring beauty and maybe some light refreshments along the way. Each step, no matter how demanding, was a testament to their determination and commitment to improving lives through work.

The course was not without its obstacles.

The challenging terrain, encompassing rugged trails, steep ascents, and treacherous descents, demanded both physical endurance and mental resilience. But through sheer grit and unwavering support for one another, the RTS team overcame each hurdle with unwavering determination. Together, they forged ahead, motivating each other to keep going, drawing strength from their shared goal of making a positive impact through their fundraising efforts.

It’s important to me and all the Senior Leadership team that we lead from the front. Events like this are a great way to bring teams together from across RTS that might not ordinarily get face time with one another. We offer more than just a job; we give back to our communities. My personal highlight of the day was the looming thunderstorms, and of course, Thomas’s outfit.

Lee Gudgeon

Managing Director – Reed Talent Solutions

“Watching each KM sign go past and knowing that each step was for a worthy cause” – Alison Ansell, Talent Delivery

For two exceptional members of the team, Meera Keshwala & Leanne Barter the standard 25-km route wasn’t enough of a challenge. They chose to embark on an incredible 53-km journey, extending their physical and mental limits even further. Their unwavering determination and indomitable spirit were an inspiration to everyone involved, showcasing the true essence of the RTS Venture initiative—going above and beyond to make a difference.

While the physical accomplishments were remarkable, the true success of the day lay in the collective fundraising efforts of the RTS team. By taking on this gruelling challenge, they raised vital funds for a selection of charities close to their hearts. The passion and dedication displayed by each participant reflected the core values of Reed Talent Solutions, demonstrating the power of teamwork, compassion, and perseverance.

The Peak District Ultra Endurance Challenge proved to be an unforgettable experience with co-members stepping outside their comfort zones. Facing inclement weather and daunting terrain, they demonstrated unwavering resilience and determination, embodying the spirit of adventure and making a lasting impact through their charitable endeavours. This remarkable achievement serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the immense potential for positive change when individuals come together for a common cause. Reed Talent Solutions can proudly celebrate the accomplishments of its team members, knowing that their efforts have helped towards improving lives of those in need.

Looking forward, RTS Venture continues to embody the motto of “Better never stops” as they strive for continuous growth and new challenges. The team’s unwavering spirit and determination will undoubtedly lead them to new ventures and opportunities to make a positive impact.

I strive to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support whenever I can. When I discovered that they were an affiliate charity, it was a simple choice for me to sign up and begin fundraising. We believe in the principles of “better never stops” and our purpose, “improving lives through work,” not only for our clients and candidates but also for the community at large. By completing the event, it felt like I had earned the generous donations from my colleagues, friends, and family, which will now contribute to this incredible cause, helping those affected by cancer.

Phoebe Austin

Talent Delivery Team Manager

Neurodiversity will always have a place in my heart as someone who has been diagnosed myself with ADHD. Being part of the team at RTS has given me a voice to be able to help, support and promote Tech & Neurodiversity as one, to help others share more openly. I really enjoyed getting together with other co-members including my MD (Lee Gudgeon), that share the same passion and energy as I do, towards subjects that mean something to me.

Thomas Woodhams

Executive RPO Talent Partner

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