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5 January 2024

Fertility leave policy

We understand that fertility treatment can be stressful and exhausting and may affect our co-members’ health and well-being. We also respect that some co-members may want to take a break from work to focus on their treatment, or to cope with the outcomes, whether positive or negative.

To support our co-members’ health and well-being, we have a fertility leave policy that allows them to take up to 10 days of paid leave per year for fertility-related reasons, such as consultations, scans, injections, egg collection, embryo transfer, pregnancy testing or miscarriage. Co-members can apply for this leave through our online portal, where they can also access information and guidance on how to manage their absence and return to work.

It is important that every co-member can balance their commitments to Reed and the commitments that they have to their families, home and communities.

Tamara Banner, Talent Acquisition Manager shares her incredible IVF story with us

“I’m a very proud part time working mum to my beautiful twins, Fia & Coen. What you may not know is the fertility journey it took for my husband and I to be lucky enough to have a family. I’m very open to talk about the 7 year struggle we had with operations, endless tests, two rounds of IVF and the blood, sweat, needles and many tears that came with the whole process!”

“What I’m most grateful for is the endless support that my colleagues and friends, and Reed as an employer offered to me throughout this time. From hugely appreciated advice and guidance I picked up from fellow Reedie’s who had been through a similar experience, to the support from other colleagues who covered while I was at appointments, to the huge welcome and seamless transition I got when I came back from 17 months maternity leave (thanks to the 10-year sabbatical for that invaluable extra time off!).

I feel incredibly lucky to work for an employer who understands how difficult and emotional this journey can be, and therefore offer all its co-members up to 10 additional days leave for fertility treatments and appointments, as well as some suburb benefits such as the £200 just for having a baby through the health cash plan, then a well needed financial boost of £1000 when you come back to work.”

We also spoke to Peter Parkin-Child, Head of HR & People Projects about his wonderful adoption journey

“In 2012, my partner and I decided to begin our adoption journey to create a family of our own. As I’m sure you can imagine, this is a lengthy and involved process; and so, support from my employer was essential. In the early stages, this meant having flexibility to attend social worker interviews and training sessions; and in the later stages, this involved having a temporary reduction in my working hours agreed to allow me to undertake volunteering in a local school.

When we were finally matched in 2014 with two boys and our thoughts turned to how we were going to envelop them into our lives, we both wanted the opportunity to spend quality time with them; particularly as we all needed to get to know and grow to love each other. Reed’s offering of Additional Adoption Leave provided this opportunity as it meant we could both take time out of work without compromising our job security or careers. Plus, I was able to combine this with my 10-year sabbatical which meant I got to spend the first 8 weeks with the boys when they first arrived, alongside my partner who took the first 6 months of adoption leave.

Being able to spend all that time with my boys meant they settled in quickly and became the focus of our whole family! The fact that we both got to have that dedicated (and solo) time with the boys, without having to put our careers on hold, was so important. Upon returning to work, Reed allowed me to reduce my working hours to four days a week on a permanent basis which allowed me to continue to have time with the boys and do things like the school pick-up/drop-off (as well as all the more boring chores that come with having kids).”

It’s amazing to hear how brave our co-members have been opening up on their individual fertility experience because it is different for every person.

Reed is a family business first and foremost that supports our co-members’ fertility journeys, families and recognises not everyone will be the same. We believe that by doing so, we can create a positive and productive workplace culture, where co-members feel valued, respected, and empowered. We also hope that by sharing our story, we can inspire and encourage other employers to do the same.

If you are interested in working for an inclusive employer that supports your family journey, check out the current vacancies on our career’s website by clicking here.