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If Labour win an election they have already committed a Ministry of Employment Rights which would house the new Enforcement Body plus adding a dedicated Minister and further resource. Regardless, if the government does not change, a single body looks very likely.

This is just a likely starting point, with suggestions for more labour market enforcement bodies to be added to ensure a joined up strategy to ensuring compliance of supply chains and protection of worker rights in the flexible economy. BEIS have already brought about an Association of Compliance Organisations (ASCOR) which is developing a one stop shop for worker advice and end hirer Procurement help to ensure labour supply chains are ethical, compliant, worker-led, and transparent. Initial supporters include Home Office, GLAA, Office for the Director of Labour Markets, Care Quality Commission, and Crown Commercial Services.

A single enforcement body would need to be resourced appropriately, have a clear strategy, and ensure worker intelligence forms a key role. To help develop this Matthew Taylor has already leant support to SAFERjobs, a charity created by the Metropolitan Police with worker voice at its core.

Key for any companies with supply chains will be joint responsibility, a further requirement to ensure transparency and compliance in the supply chain, and an increased focus on supporting worker rights through such initiatives as SAFERjobs and ASCOR.

As a key player in the supply chain, Reed are proud to support these initiatives as well as helping to shape future strategy through co-working, advice, and support of UK GOV.