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Corinne Peart
Corinne Peart

In recruitment, the statistics on the slowness of hiring processes, coupled with the escalating sophistication of tactics employed by fraudsters, and the implications that the evolving hiring process is having on fairness and equality highlight the urgent need for change.

The current hiring environment is marked by a multitude of factors, ranging from bureaucratic red tape to immigration laws and organisation-specific practices, collectively contributing to delays and inefficiencies. As organisations contend with these challenges, the call for standardisation across sectors becomes increasingly imperative.

Addressing this need is the Better Hiring Institute, an organisation at the forefront of a collaborative effort with the UK government and industry leaders. Their mission is to transform the UK's hiring landscape, mitigate the impact of fraud, and foster fairness and equality within the recruitment process. Their Better Hiring Toolkits provide industry-specific best-practice guidelines, developed with employers, work seekers and regulatory bodies.

How can sector-wide standardisation in hiring help?

Speed and efficiency

The UK has one of the slowest hiring processes globally, costing employers on average £15000 per new employee. This financial burden encompasses not only direct recruitment expenses but also factors in diminished productivity, expenditures on temporary staff, and various administrative costs.

The repercussions of this slow-paced hiring culture extend beyond individual businesses, impacting the broader UK economy. The prevalence of unfilled positions, particularly within the public sector, gives rise to challenges such as prolonged NHS waiting lists. Moreover, a significant number of economically inactive individuals contribute to diminished tax revenue and strain on public sector funding.

In response to these challenges, organisations like the Better Hiring Institute are actively collaborating with both government bodies and industries to advocate for comprehensive recruitment standardisation within specific sectors. This collaborative effort emphasises the adoption of time and cost-saving technologies by employers, ensuring a consistent experience for both employers and candidates. The overarching objective is to transform the UK into a global leader in terms of the speed and efficiency of its hiring processes.


Fairness in hiring is not only important for compliance with anti-discrimination laws and regulations but boosts productivity, morale, dynamism, reputation, and employer brand.

Using fair hiring processes can also broaden candidate pools, and help recruiters to see candidates’ potential more clearly, providing a more diverse and inclusive workplace enriched with a variety of different perspectives, experiences, skills, and ideas.

With sector standardisation, a more level playing field across an industry can be achieved for both employers and candidates.

Safety, security, and safeguarding

As new technologies enter the recruitment process, fraudsters, and people with criminal or dishonest intent are finding new ways of exploiting employers and work-seekers.

Sector standardisation in hiring serves as a robust deterrent against fraud and unlawful practice by establishing uniform and rigorous practices across organisations. This approach ensures that all candidates undergo consistent background checks and verification processes, making it challenging for individuals to falsify information. Standardised interview procedures, including predefined questions and evaluation criteria, reduce the opportunities for candidates to manipulate their responses. The implementation of technology, such as applicant tracking systems and digital verification tools, automates cross-checking processes, detecting anomalies, and flagging potential instances of fraud during recruitment.

Furthermore, sector-wide collaboration allows organisations to share information about known fraudulent or unsafe activities and tactics, fostering a collective defence against deceptive or dangerous applicants. Standardised hiring practices often include feedback mechanisms that contribute to continuous improvement in security and safeguarding processes. This iterative approach allows organisations to adapt and enhance security measures based on emerging threats and industry best practices.

Benefits of sector standardisation in recruitment for employers

Efficiency and speed

Standardisation streamlines hiring processes, reducing redundancies and delays. This results in faster and more efficient recruitment, enabling organisations to fill vacancies promptly and maintain optimal staffing levels.

Consistency and fairness

Standardisation establishes consistent evaluation criteria, ensuring that all candidates are assessed on the same basis. This reduces subjective decision-making, promotes fairness, and creates a level playing field for applicants.

Cost savings

Uniform practices and standardised procedures lead to cost savings for employers. This includes reduced administrative expenses, decreased time spent on lengthy recruitment processes, and more effective use of resources.

Improved candidate experience

Standardisation enhances the candidate experience by providing clarity on expectations and a predictable application process. Candidates benefit from transparent evaluation procedures, contributing to a positive perception of the hiring organisation.

Enhanced quality of hires

Standardised hiring processes contribute to better-informed decisions and improved candidate selection. By focusing on standardised criteria, organisations are more likely to attract and hire individuals with the right skills and qualifications for the job.

Facilitation of industry collaboration

Sector-wide standardisation encourages collaboration among organisations within the same industry. This sharing of best practices, insights, and candidate pools fosters a sense of community and collective improvement within the sector.

Diversity and inclusion

Standardisation helps remove biases and barriers in the hiring process, promoting diversity and inclusion. By focusing on objective criteria, organisations are more likely to attract a diverse pool of candidates, contributing to a more inclusive workplace.

Legal compliance

Standardised hiring processes contribute to legal compliance by ensuring that recruitment practices align with anti-discrimination laws and industry regulations. This reduces the risk of legal challenges and reinforces the organisation's commitment to ethical hiring.

Adaptability to technological advances

Standardisation facilitates the adoption of new technologies across the sector. Organisations can collectively leverage advancements such as AI-driven recruitment tools, video interviewing platforms, and applicant tracking systems to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Economic impact

The ripple effects of sector-wide standardisation positively impact the economy. A more efficient hiring process contributes to a faster-growing workforce, which, in turn, stimulates economic activity, increases productivity, and strengthens overall economic health.

How can Reed Screening help?

Reed Screening offers consistent, standardised employee screening for the whole workforce, with pre-defined packages for different industries and sectors.

At Reed Screening, we have years of experience in providing fast, smooth, and thorough employee screening and background checks.

With screening and checks happening 24/7, we can vet your candidates within a timescale that suits your business, and our AssuredID service offers an easy and accurate way to verify a candidate’s ID digitally and remotely. For more information, get in touch with our team.